Nanjing Party chief and Games organizing committee president Yang Weize told the China Daily that Nanjing is following London’s frugal lead in hosting the 2014 Youth Olympic Games by using temporary buildings.
He also said the city would keep a close eye on spending when it constructs new competition and training venues.
Yang said, “no new venues will be built if old ones can be renovated. No new facilities will be purchased if old ones can be repaired. No equipment will be bought if (it) can be rented, and they won’t be rented if they can be borrowed”.
Nanjing officials said they were also accepting donated machinery from Singapore, which hosted the inaugural Youth Olympics in 2010.
Liu Yian, deputy secretary-general of the organizing committee said, “Singapore has given its ticket-checking machines to Nanjing. We may also give our facilities to other host cities of major sporting events for re-use”.
The China Daily reports Nanjing 2014’s budget is $315 million.
Li added that 25 of the 34 competition and training venues will be renovated, five temporary venues would be taken down after the Games, and the four new ones will be open to the public.
Nanjing’s public relations director Ding Ming said, “Nanjing will spend no more than Singapore”.