
Questions Regarding Government Funding For Prague 2016 Bid

According to the daily Hospodarske Noviny (HN), although Prague said in its 2016 bid application to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the Czech government will help cover it’s Olympic bid, the government has never made such a promise.

The newspaper reports that in the questionnaire sent to the IOC, Prague says if it were chosen as one of the candidate cities to host the 2016 Games, it would receive the equivalent of $5.2 million from the Czech government. But, according to HN, the government provided only legal guarantees a few weeks ago, but no financial guarantees.

Prague Mayor Pavel Bem had no comment.

Karel Tejkal, spokesman for the company that is in charge of the Olympic promotion, said the figures in the questionnaire are based on a financial study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and are nothing but a possibility under consideration. He said the costs of the candidacy would be covered by Prague.

But HN writes that the answers in the official questionnaire do not state this.

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