
Protests During Chicago 2016’s IOC Inspection

The Chicago Tribune reports an anti-Olympics group plans to hold a rally on April 2 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) evaluation commission arrives in Chicago to inspect its bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.

The group No Games Chicago said it expects 2,000 people to attend the rally at 5 p.m. at Federal Plaza.

Bob Quellos, an organizer for the recently formed group, said he has obtained a permit for use of the plaza and he also plans a protest march from Federal Plaza to the Aon Center when the Olympic bid team is based. Quellos said he is waiting for a parade permit from the city.

Supporters of No Games Chicago reportedly believe money that would be spent on the Games should be used instead for basic needs such as housing and schools, especially during tight economic times. Quellos said, “we think it’s the wrong priority for the city with the city crumbling”.

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