
Giant Green Robot Promotes Tokyo 2016

Tokyo 2016 announced the Green Tokyo Gundam Project, which kicks off this weekend in the heart of the city to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam, the popular Japanese “anime” series, and to inspire young people to support Tokyo 2016’s green commitment and live healthy lifestyles.

The giant 18-metre replica of what is a long favourite robot animation will welcome visitors to the man-made island of Odalba until August 31.

A Tokyo 2016 press release says the project will help raise funds for new greenery throughout Tokyo as part of the transformation the city is undergoing within its 10-year “Tokyo Big Change” that will be completed in 2016 for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Contributions will be collected by the Green Tokyo Fundraising Committee and then used for four Olympic projects to increase greenery in Tokyo, including developing the Sea Forest, an 88-hectare area of land reclaimed from the ocean that would host the equestrian competition; planting roadside trees – doubling their number in Tokyo from 480,000 to around a million; planting lawns in schools yards to provide an attractive, healthy environment for children; and creating low-pollen forests in the Tama area of western Tokyo.

Dr. Ichiro Kono, Chair and CEO of Tokyo 2016 said, “the Gundam robot symbolizes the advanced technology for which Japan is famous, and also how this is helping Tokyo 2016 to inspire young people and bring about a green transformation across the city”.

Starting August 1 the robot will display his support for the bid with a Tokyo 2016 logo on his shoulder.

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