
Rio 2016 Gets Another Boost

Rio de Janeiro’s bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games received a significant boost Tuesday from the 26 countries participating in the XI General Assembly of the Americas Sports Council (CADE) in Panama when a motion supporting the bid was signed following a presentation of the city’s bid plans.

The Americas Sports Council brings together representatives of governmental sports organizations in the Americas to discuss the ongoing development of sport. Candidate Cities for the 2015 Pan American Games (Lima, Bogota and Toronto) also presented their proposals to the delegates at the meeting.

Wadson Ribeiro, Executive Secretary of Brazil’s Sports Ministry, explained that hosting the Games in Rio could generate vast opportunities for South America and developing nations around the world. He said, “the Rio 2016 Games could leave a significant legacy for the people of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, but also for all of South America and Latin American people everywhere”.

He added, “it is essential for Latin American countries to unite for South America to receive the Olympic and Paralympic Games for the first time. This would be a historic victory for all of us and open doors for the entire continent”.

Mario Cilenti, Rio 2016’s International Relations Director, provided an overview of Rio’s Games Plan and the benefits the Olympic Games in Rio could deliver for Latin American countries.

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